Nutrition To Treat And Prevent COVID-19

Nutrition To Treat And Prevent COVID-19

The latest press released from the Orthomolecular folks contains interesting observations and helpful tips for proper supplementation while we live in a pandemic.

Here are some of the highlights of a press release from the Society for Orthomolecular Medicine:

* Information about effective prevention methods has been censored.  

* It has been clearly shown over decades that several essential nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, and selenium, have anti-viral properties.

* Adequate nutrition has been shown in a variety of epidemiological studies to effectively prevent viral infection.

* Thus, even though it is known that the nutritional protocol is effective for preventing a wide variety of viral infections, and has been shown in small clinical trials to be effective in treating COVID-19 to prevent serious pneumonia and death......

Lastly, as I have written about previously, here is what should be taken on a daily basis:

- Vitamin C, 1000 mg (or more) 3 times daily
- Vitamin D, 5,000 IU/day
- Magnesium 400 mg/d (in malate, citrate, chelate, or chloride form)
- Zinc, 20 mg/d
- Selenium 100 mcg/d

For more information on lifestyle medicine, pain treatment, regenerative medicine, ozone, vitamin therapy, detoxification, nutrition or any of the other wonderful integrative medicine services we provide, please contact Dr. Scott Denny and Dr. Justine Denny with our practice location in Davie, Florida. Please visit to receive a copy of Dr. Denny’s free acupuncture eBook.

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