Whiplash is a common injury for people involved in car collisions as your neck and back are one of the most vulnerable areas for injury. Whiplash occurs when a car is struck from behind or collides with another object, it causes the neck to snap back and forth violently . This causes the muscles and ligaments to overextend, leading to pain and stiffness. Thus to understand why your neck or back are so sore from whiplash, it helps to know what can be injured.

Whiplash can be a complicated diagnosis as the doctor tries to figure out exactly which parts of the spine have been affected. There are 7 vertebra (bones) in the neck and between each vertebra is a disc, 5 layers of muscle and 9 different ligaments along with 8 nerve roots. So for such a small area, there is a lot of soft tissue that is supporting your neck along with the disc and nerves . That means there are a lot of parts that can be injured when you have a whiplash injury.

Remarkably, the neck supports the full weight of your head, which is usually about 8-11 pounds and no other region of the spine has such freedom of movement. Therefore in whiplash, the head dramatically tosses frontwards then whips backwards making the neck, spine and supporting soft tissue very susceptible to injury creating pain and stiffness.

Our clinic has treated over a thousand whiplash cases over the past 30 years with Chiropractic and Massage Therapy, Dry Needling, Spinal Decompression, and other Physical Therapy modalities.

We also have a wide network of Doctors, Therapists and Attorneys we can refer you to should the need arise.

If you have experienced an accident causing whiplash give us a call at 719 -471-4174. The sooner you start treatment the faster it will feel better and heal.

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