Migraine and Headache Relief

Know Where You Can Go for Relief from Migraines in Redwood City

You may not be aware of this, but chiropractic care utilizes a variety of techniques to help provide relief from migraines. In fact, chiropractic can provide headache relief in general, even if your headaches are not as severe as migraines. In Redwood City, Dr. Awender gives patients the natural, gentle care they need to live pain-free.

Chiropractic Adjustments Heal Strained Muscles and Reduce Subluxations

Sometimes tense, tight muscles can cause the headaches we know as tension headaches. When this happens, it's generally the result of a tightening in the muscles around the shoulder and neck. By performing standard chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression and administering therapeutic massage, we can help relax the muscles for fast relief.

If you're experiencing migraines as a result of spinal subluxations, we'll also help you by eliminating those subluxations, which will help to improve your neurological functioning overall.

We Can Help You Handle the Stress

Trips to the chiropractor can even result in overall pain reduction and improved quality of life, ensuring that you feel your best and are prepared to handle the stresses you face day in and out. With reduced psychological tension, you may experience reduced physical tension, resulting in fewer headaches by default.

Awender Chiropractic Can Heal Whiplash Related Headaches

If you've recently been in an auto accident, you could be experiencing headaches as a result of whiplash, a condition that causes stiff muscles, limited range of motion, headaches, blurriness, dizziness and insomnia. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, see a chiropractor today to re-establish alignment in your spine and heal your injury.

If you're looking for a Redwood City Chiropractor who knows how to help you and stop your migraines, call our offices today and make an appointment with Dr. Awender. We'll be happy to help you and improve your quality of life. Call Awender Chiropractic at (650) 366-1273.