Treating a Head Injury after a Car Accident

Treating a Head Injury after a Car Accident in Redwood City

After a car accident, it's important to get yourself checked out by a doctor, especially if you hit your head. If you have whiplash, neck pain, or a concussion after a car accident, our Redwood City Chiropractor can help. 

Types of Head Injuries from a Car Accident

An auto accident can cause many injuries throughout your body. Common head and neck injuries include concussion and whiplash. Whiplash usually sets on 24 hours after the accident or even later. 

Due to the high-velocity force of your neck whipping back and forth, the neck muscles may become strained and misaligned. Signs that you have whiplash include a limited range of motion in the neck, neck pain when you move your head, frequent headaches, and pain that radiates down your shoulders and arms. 

Concussion affects your head. Like whiplash, it can be delayed in its onset. Concussion symptoms include a headache, temporary loss of vision, ringing in your ears, nausea and vomiting, mental confusion, and difficulty sleeping. 

If you have a loss of vision, a headache, or any other symptoms, don’t delay in seeking medical care for your auto accident injuries! 

Treatment for Head Trauma in Redwood City

We are able to treat both concussion and whiplash injuries through soft tissue manipulations and chiropractic adjustments. All our treatments are individualized, so we begin by evaluating you. Our chiropractor may use massage to loosen muscle tension, replenish blood flow in injured areas, and promote healing. 

Both concussion and whiplash often cause misalignment of the cranial and cervical bones. By bringing these bones back into alignment, we can reduce the pressure that is causing your symptoms. Cervical spine decompression treatments may be necessary. Through a series of adjustments, your body will begin to recover. To promote a full recovery, we may offer lifestyle and nutrition recommendations. 

Schedule an Appointment with Awender Chiropractic Today!

Our Redwood City chiropractor offers a new patient special. For just $49, you can receive a chiropractic evaluation. Learn how we can help you recover from your car accident injury, meet our chiropractor, and take the first step toward recovery with our help. Contact us today at (650) 366-1273 to schedule an appointment