Treatment Options for a Lumbar Herniated Disc

Treatment Options for a Lumbar Herniated Disc in Redwood City

Dr. Joseph E. Awender II, our Spanish chiropractor in Redwood City, works with hundreds of patients annually who struggle with lumbar herniated discs. 

Our Redwood City Chiropractor Discusses Lumbar Herniated Discs

Between the bones of your spine are small gel-filled structures called discs. If damage occurs to one of these discs, it can cause the inner gel-like fluid to leak out. This is called a disc herniation. A herniated disc can put pressure on nearby structures, including nerves, muscles, and other tissues, which can cause a variety of symptoms including pain in the back, buttocks, hips, or legs, back stiffness, and muscle spasms. Causes may include a sedentary lifestyle, being overweight, poor posture, and accidents such as slips.

Spinal Decompression in Redwood City And Other Treatments For A Lumbar Herniated Disc 

At Awender Chiropractic, we offer spinal decompression in Redwood City along with several other safe, effective, and affordable treatment options for people who have lumbar herniated discs. Spinal decompression is a manual technique that puts a gentle pulling force on the spine. This reduces pressure on spinal discs and nerves, thereby promoting decreased inflammation, tissue healing, and pain relief.

In addition to spinal decompression, we also provide chiropractic adjustment in Redwood City to help restore your spine's normal alignment and improve the nervous system's communication with the rest of the body. Relief can also be achieved through additional chiropractic care methods, including postural re-education, massage, and lifestyle and nutritional counseling to promote overall well-being. 

Visit Our Redwood City Chiropractor Today

Redwood City chiropractor, Dr. Joseph E. Awender II has been providing back pain relief in Redwood City and the surrounding communities for years. Along with his team, he is committed to providing drug-free, non-invasive, natural healing methods to all patients looking to restore their health. To learn more about our chiropractic care in Redwood City or to schedule your initial consultation, contact us at (650) 366-1273 now. New clients receive our exclusive offer--that's $49 for an initial consultation!