Back Pain Caused from Auto Accident Injury

Back Pain Caused from Auto Accident Injury

At Awender Chiropractic, your premier facility for chiropractic services in Redwood City, our team works with hundreds of patients every year who are struggling with back pain and other injuries following car accidents.

Why Is Back Pain So Common After an Auto Accident Injury?

The basic mechanism of back injury during a car accident is a sudden and forceful stop, which causes your head, neck, and spine to quickly bend forward and backward. This rapid flexion and extension exposes important structures within your spine--including muscles, ligaments, bones, and nerves--to high levels of tension and force, leading to injury such as low back pain and whiplash.

Why See A Chiropractor After An Auto Accident? 

It's important to see a chiropractor as soon as possible following an auto accident--even if you do not any active symptoms of dysfunction!

Immediately following a traumatic event, certain hormones in your body surge as part of a self-protective response. These hormones--like cortisol and adrenaline--can mask symptoms of injury for days to even weeks until they return to normal levels. By seeing a chiropractor as soon as you have been medically cleared, a potential injury can be properly diagnosed and treated earlier, which can accelerate healing and prevent long-term complications.

Chiropractic management of back pain injury includes drug-free, non-invasive, and all natural treatments that address both symptoms and causes of dysfunction. Services include:

  • Chiropractic adjustments
  • Soft tissue mobilization
  • Massage therapy
  • Spinal decompression
  • Tissue healing exercises

Struggling With A Back Pain Injury? See Your Redwood City Auto Accident Chiropractor Today

At Awender Chiropractic, your journey to wellness awaits! Our dedicated staff is here to guide you through recovery following an auto accident, or any event which caused your back pain injury. Redwood City auto accident chiropractor Dr. Joseph E. Awender II has been serving his community for almost three decades, and relies on his clinical experience as well as extensive post-graduate education to enhance his practice. Don't suffer any longer--give yourself the gift of healing! Call (650) 366-1273 today, and be sure to ask us about our new client special!