Pregnancy Chiropractic

Reach out to Dr. Douglas Meyer, Dr. Anthony Hayden, and Dr. Madison Lehman of Meyer Chiropractic Acupuncture & Nutrition if you’re seeking pregnancy chiropractic care in Hermann or Montgomery City, MO.

What Are the Benefits of Pregnancy Chiropractic Care?

Pregnancy can be both a joyous and difficult time for expecting mothers. The opportunity to bring new life into the world is one many women embrace, but it also presents challenges for the woman’s body. Chiropractic care can help women manage those challenges.

Prenatal chiropractic care often has two distinct areas of focus.

First off, your prenatal chiropractor will focus on the pregnancy-related symptoms you’ve been dealing with. You may experience discomfort in your back, hips, and other joints due to the physical changes brought about by increased weight and the natural relaxing of your ligaments in preparation for childbirth. Managing joint pain is easier if you have chiropractic support.

Nausea is another common pregnancy symptom that can benefit from chiropractic treatment. During treatment, your chiropractor can perform adjustments that regulate your nervous system, reducing the nauseous response.

The other area of focus for pregnancy chiropractors is correcting breech presentation. A breech presentation occurs when the baby is positioned to come out bottom first during natural delivery. Due to the potential complications of that delivery, your doctor may opt for a C-section instead.

Receiving chiropractic care during your pregnancy can prevent that issue. Your chiropractor can create more room for your baby to adjust their positioning so you have a better chance at delivering a problem-free natural delivery.

Enjoy the benefits of expert pregnancy chiropractic care in Hermann or Montgomery City, MO, by working with Dr. Meyer, Dr. Hayden, and Dr. Lehman of Meyer Chiropractic Acupuncture & Nutrition.

Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Expecting Mothers?

Questions about the safety of prenatal treatments are always important to raise. Posing those questions about pregnancy chiropractic care is perfectly reasonable, but you can rest assured that there is nothing to worry about.

Chiropractors spend a long time training and studying the human body. They learn how to handle the human body in different states and provide effective treatment for people in many different circumstances.

You can expect your chiropractor to modify their approach to ensure your prenatal treatment session goes smoothly. They can perform adjustments with gentle techniques and bring out special equipment to ensure your treatment session is beneficial and comfortable.

Consult Dr. Meyer, Dr. Hayden, and Dr. Lehman of Meyer Chiropractic Acupuncture & Nutrition if you’re interested in trying pregnancy chiropractic care. Call 573-486-3888 to reach our Hermann, MO, office or 573-564-2590 for our location in Montgomery City.


Find us on the map

Hermann Office

196 MO-100, Hermann, MO 65041

(573) 486-3888

9:00 am - 5:30 pm
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
1:00 pm - 5:30 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm