Auto Accident

Individuals injured in an auto accidents will have only 14 days to seek initial treatment or seek medical attention by a medical doctor, osteopathic physician, dentist, physician assistant, or advanced registered nurse practitioner corroborating that the injury required immediate care.

After care accident even a minor injury may quickly turn serious, if not treated on time. Only a doctor can tell you the severity of an injury and give you the treatment that you need. However, when you are in a car crash, leaving the scene of accident may not be a feasible option. You may have to talk to the cops, take pictures of the cars involved, and complete a host of formalities. We at Walkins Clinic can help you in such a situation.

Time is crucial when you are in an accident. While an on time treatment can save your life, timely action can help you get a claim settled. In states like Florida that has Personal Injury Protection (PIP) in place, you have just 14 days to seek medical help. Once that period is gone, you may lose all your PIP benefits and end up paying for the treatment out of your pocket.

Act fast, but do not rush. You may not be able to think clearly right after an accident, we will help you out as far as your health is concerned. Share your injury details with our motor vehicle accident doctors and get the care that you deserve.

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