Bio Identical Hormone Therapy

Are BIO IDENTICAL Hormone Pellets right for You?

BIO IDENTICAL Hormone Pellet therapy: The 21st Century balance of Nature combined with Science yielding a person amazing benefit.

Optimal hormones have been shown to be essential for good health and the prevention of the disease, destruction and degradation aging can bring. BIO IDENTICAL Hormone Pellet therapy has been shown to optimize a person’s hormone levels by deploying tiny pure, crystalline hormone pellets applied to the patient just under the skin.

BIO IDENTICAL Hormone Pellet therapy has been shown to release all-natural hormone replacement into the body that can be metabolized consistently into the body by the patient on an “as-needed” basis in support of optimal hormone levels.

Where do I begin?

Feeling better starts with a simple OFFICE VISIT and LAB TEST.

Regain energy, muscle strength and a greater ability to lose weight.

Increase mental clarity and feel younger and happier again.

Experience an increased quality of life while preventing age-related illness.

How do I know I need to check my hormones?

If you or someone you know is experiencing any

of the following symptoms, chances are he or she is a candidate for BIO IDENTICAL Hormone Replacement therapy.

COMMON SYMPTOMS associated with Hormone Imbalance

Difficulty sleeping at night

Lack of energy and fatigue during the day

Reduced mental focus and memory

Moody, anxious or depressed

Weight gain, including increased fat around the midsection

Inability to lose weight regardless of healthy diet and exercise

Decreased muscle strength

Muscle and/or joint pain

Reduced sexual desire and performance

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