Headache/Migraine Relief

Headaches and migraines are all too common. Some people experience them only on occasion, while others are plagued by them on a regular basis. If you need assistance with headaches and migraines in Florissant, MO, it's time to work with Dr. Jeff Stark at the Back and Neck Center of North County.

How Chiropractors Approach Headache and Migraine Treatment

If you or a loved one are dealing with chronic headaches and migraines, you're certainly not alone and there are a variety of treatment options available. Chiropractic care often proves to be one of the most effective forms of treatment because it focuses on resolving the underlying issues that could be the source of your pain.

Consider tension headaches, for example, which rank among the most common types of headaches. They are the result of tightness in the connective tissue in your forehead and temples. Often, tension in your head is due to tension in the muscles in your neck and shoulder, which in turn may be the result of issues with the spine. Thus, by working with a chiropractor to reduce muscle tension and ensure proper alignment of the spine, you may also secure relief for tension headaches.

Electronic muscle stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, and various other treatments may all help with headaches and muscle tension. You can also be taught a variety of therapeutic exercises that you can perform on your own to reduce tension in the back and neck. If you think a headache is setting in, the right stretches could prevent it or help you control the pain.

If you or a loved one are suffering headaches and migraines, and reside near Florissant, MO, schedule an appointment with Dr. Stark at the Back and Neck Center of North County.

Pain Without Depending on Medication

Pain medications can be effective for dealing with the occasional minor headache. However, your body will become resistant to medication, and thus, medicine can become less effective over time. You might try switching up medications, but once again your body can become resistant. Chiropractic treatment, on the other hand, can often provide consistent results session after session. Further, by resolving underlying issues, you may prevent pain in the first place.

Should you need assistance with migraines and headaches in Florissant, MO, it's time to work with a chiropractor. Holistic care may be able to provide lasting relief, and you might be able to reduce your dependence on pain medications. Call 314 838 2220 to get in touch with Dr. Stark at the Back and Neck Center of North County.

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7:30 am - 9:30 am