First Visit Expectations

dr bukaty and werner

 What Can I Expect During My First Visit?

Please allow approximately one hour for your first visit with us.  If you cannot allot this time period, please call our office to reschedule your appointment so you have adequate time.  Please arrive 10 min prior to your scheduled appointment time so we may gather all your paperwork and have you started at your appointment time.

Please bring your Driver's License and Insurance Card with you to your first visit.

Paperwork - All of the new patient paperwork can be found on this website in the New Patient section. Please print these forms out and have them filled out completely for your first visit.  If you do not have your paperwork filled out when you arrive, you may be asked to reschedule.

Posture Analysis - Our posture analysis machine allows us to determine if you have postural imbalances including areas of the neck, shoulders, hips and vertical alignment of the spine. We will also determine weight imbalance between your left and right sides. Significant imbalances of these areas are not normal and can be corrected with chiropractic care.

Nerve Scan - We will perform a brief Nerve Scan which will scan the neck down to the low back.This safe, non-invasive diagnostic tool records body temperature allowing the doctor to make their analysis. This precision device determines where they may be soft tissue damage or indications of a chronic nature.

Getting Started Video - This is our brief welcome video, which helps each patient understand more about chiropractic and how it can help your overall health both in the short and long term.

Exam - Your Doctor will perform an exam with additional testing and review your paperwork to further understand your current condition and begin to determine if x-rays are necessary and program of care. 

Adjustment  - Your first adjustment in our office may or may not take place on your first visit. Depending on your situation and our schedule, the decision to treat on the first visit is entirely up to the Doctor. Certain situation require further testing or evaluation prior to your first treatment.

Please Note: We have a waiting list for new patient appointments. If you must cancel your first visit appointment, we require a 48-hour cancellation notice. If you do not cancel within 48 hours or if you no show, you will be charged a $50 fee for your scheduled visit.