Jump Start Your Day In Only 20 Minutes

jump start your day


Apr 21st, 2015

Are your mornings spent in a manic rush to get out the door? Do you arrive at work feeling ready to take on the day or are you stressed and exhausted?

When you get your day off to a good start, it’s the best way to ensure you have a good day. We all have our morning routines. However, is your morning routine as effective as it could be?

Most of this morning routine doesn’t add any time at all to your day. With just 20 minutes, you can enhance your morning and the rest of your day. Consider other ways to build upon your current morning activities. Getting off to a good start is really the best way to enjoy a great day.

Here are some quick and easy ways to make minor changes to your morning routine and have a great day!

  1. Wake up early. When you wake up early it gives you a sense of control and helps you avoid the feelings of anxiety that occur when time is an issue. Ideally also go to bed early. I’ve noticed that sleeping 30 minutes earlier makes all of the difference in being able to wake up earlier and at the same time feel more refreshed. Giving yourself an extra thirty minutes in the morning will give you that precious time to get ready. You’ll find you will be in a better mood with your family as well. Try to wake up just 5 minutes earlier each day for the next 6 days.
  2. Breathe slowly or meditate for 5 minutes. The typical extra 5-10 minute snooze is a great time for a short meditation session. Just breathe (even laying down) and pay attention to your breath. As your mind wanders, simply bring it back to your breath. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how calming this can be.
  3. Drink a large glass of water. We all get dehydrated after sleeping for 7 hours during the night. After brushing your teeth, drink a large glass of purified water before doing anything else. Water will help to cleanse toxins that accumulated overnight. In addition, anytime you feel sluggish throughout the day, a glass of water will usually help. Keep a bottle of water (ideally glass bottle) at your desk.
  4. Get 5 minutes of exercise. Five minutes might not seem like much, but it’s enough time to get your heart pumping, boost circulation, move your lymphatic system and become more alert. Walk up and down the stairs a few times or just march in place! If you have a treadmill, please use it. Remember you’re just trying to move and warm up your body.
  5. Say some positive affirmations. While in the shower, say affirmations to yourself. The particular affirmations you use are completely up to you. Consider using affirmations that will enhance your mood or support your goals. Here are a few suggestions:
    • I’m having a great day.
    • I enjoy my job.
    • I am grateful for the blessings in my life.
    • I am ready to go to work with enthusiasm and a smile.

    Make taking a shower an enjoyable, relaxing and rejuvenating time for you! You’re in the shower anyway so rather than worry about work and the day, why not make the best use of time to feel better?

  6. Eat a healthy breakfast. A good breakfast will keep your energy up and fuel your day. A healthy morning meal often leads to a healthy lunch. You will also be more alert and this prevents mid-morning sugar cravings. Experiment and try different types of foods and different combinations of protein, carbs and fats to see which works the best for you.
  7. Go over the tasks you need to complete for the day during your commute. Check your to-do list before heading out the door. Then on the drive to work, mentally review those tasks and see what is the most effective way to get those items accomplished.
  8. Reward yourself & Listen to something that makes you happy. The last few minutes of your commute, listen to a song by your favorite singer or group. Make sure that it is something that makes you feel great or that inspires and energizes you. We all have a favorite song that makes us feel like we can do anything! Pull into the parking lot feeling great and ready to take on the day.


About Dr. Roopa Chari, M.D.:  "Dr. Roopa Chari is a medical doctor in Internal Medicine and her brother Deepak Chari is an Engineer and Certified Biofeedback Specialist at The Chari Center of Health, an advanced integrative medical center in Encinitas, CA. * Sign up for a FREE 15 minute holistic medical consult with Dr. Chari and/or a FREE 30 minute Stress & Anxiety Relief session with Advanced Voice Biofeedback with Deepak Chari here or call (760) 230-2711."

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