Head Pain

Head Pain

Irvine Head Pain Relief & Treatment

Head pain comes in many forms, from tension headaches to migraines. Either type can shut you down for the day—sometimes days. Unfortunately, painkillers only temporarily hide headache symptoms without solving the root causes, which vary from person to person. Schedule an appointment with the chiropractor Irvine headache sufferers trust for lasting, natural headache relief treatment.

What Causes Headaches and Migraines?

The root causes of headaches and migraines vary between people. Getting an accurate diagnosis with your chiropractor uncovers these causes so you can get the right treatment. Some potential triggers include:

Excessive forward head posture (“tech neck”)

Hours spent slouching over a mobile device, computer, books, or handiwork strain neck muscles and pull neck vertebrae out of alignment. This can pinch nerves and cause head pain.


Concussion, whiplash and other injuries can also cause head pain through strained muscles, subluxations and pinched nerves.


Stress can also cause headaches. It often leads to poor posture and other chemical imbalances that can trigger headaches

Nutrition and Sleep

Migraine sufferers know that certain foods, an irregular eating or sleeping schedule, dehydration and other environmental triggers can cause migraine attacks.

Although these are some of the most common head pain causes, they are not alone. Don’t ignore your headaches—chiropractor Dr. Lee can diagnose and provide effective treatment for pain relief!

Can Chiropractic Care Provide Headache and Migraine Relief?

Yes. Chiropractic care provides excellent relief for headache and migraine sufferers because alleviates the underlying causes. For example, nerves pinched in the neck can be released by Dr. Lee’s precise, gentle chiropractic adjustments.

In addition to chiropractic care, Dr. Lee teaches patients posture and ergonomics tips to prevent headaches and migraines. Mobile device ergonomics, computer desk ergonomics and even sleeping posture all impact head pain relief and prevention.

When soft tissue injury, muscle weakness and stress are involved, our chiropractor may recommend therapeutic exercises to reduce stress, help you retrain postural habits and get natural pain relief as your body adjusts to chiropractic treatments.

Visit the Chiropractor Irvine Relies on for Head Pain Relief Treatment