Meet the Team

Dr. Kati Schwabe, D.C.

Dr. Wodka, D.C.

Regina Carey

Our Mission

At Schwabe Chiropractic, our mission is to guide individuals in healing with a holistic and intuitive point of view so they may live optimal lives and continue to pursue their passions. By combining our extensive knowledge of science and the human body along with our vast experience in bodywork, we create treatment plans that reduce pain and increase mobility.

Denver, CO, is one of the most physically active and fastest-growing cities in the United States. Whether you’re expanding your family or planning your next 14er, the average Coloradan experiences a lot of wear and tear on their bodies every year. We are no different at Schwabe Chiropractic. We understand and we’re here to support you!

Your body is designed to heal itself, and our process is personalized to meet you on your health journey! Wherever you are.


Our Approach

Schwabe Chiropractic takes a unique approach to patient care. We value integrity, accountability, empathy, optimism, and knowledge, and it's important to us that we contribute to our patient's overall physical and mental wellness. 

Every patient has a different set of needs. When you come in, our providers take the time to listen to you about your health goals and your concerns. They work with you to create a treatment plan that addresses you as an individual. 

Schwabe Chiropractic is a woman-owned and operated practice with a unique understanding of the importance of finding and addressing the root cause of a health issue. We have experienced the frustration of not knowing what is wrong or how to fix it, and we know what it is like to have to advocate for yourself in medical spaces. At Schwabe Chiropractic, we want to be your ally in advocacy! No matter who you are or what's going on, Schwabe Chiropractic is a safe and welcoming place for you to discover what wellness and recovery mean to you.

Request Your First Appointment

Please fill out this form and a staff member will be in contact with you shortly to get you on the books.